#1 Outdoor Resort Indio

The Ultimate Motor Coach Resort in Indio, CA

Outdoor RV Resort_006_x800.jpg Outdoor Resort Indio is a fee simple ownership property which also rents owner's sites. It is a Class A only motor coach resort for coaches 34 feet or longer. It is absolutely immaculate. Exquisitely maintained, lush landscape, golf course, lakes, swimming pool and clubhouse.

"There are a total of 419 coach sites at Outdoor Resort Indio. Many sites enjoy beautiful landscaping and lovely views. They have coach sites for resale and rent many of which surround the golf course and lakes."
Price: $$$$$
In season (November through April) rental prices start at $87/night to well over $100/night for deluxe sites. First time and FMCA discounts. Our first time with the FMCA discount was ~$65/night.

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